On Thursday 19th October 2006 a number of leading experts and practitioners will meet at the joint eCheminfo and InnovationWell Community of Practice meeting at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia to discuss new methods and challenges in predictive toxicology so as to enable the development of safer drugs through early-stage computational predictions of toxic properties of potential lead compounds. The group includes Tudor Oprea (Univ. New Mexico), Navita Mallalieu (Roche Pharmaceuticals), Alex Tropsha (UNC), Curt Breneman (RPI), Sanji Bhal & David Adams (ACD/Labs), Michael B. Bolger (Simulations Plus and USC School of Pharmacy), Bob Clark (Tripos), and Gilles Klopman (Multicase).
On the preceding afternoon on Wednesday 18th October 2006 we will hold a number of workshops in this same area followed by an evening poster session and bbq. I hope you can join the activities and conversations.
I provide below a summary of the presentations and workshops.
Barry Hardy
Predictive Toxicology
eCheminfo InterAction Meeting Session, Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, USA
Thursday, 19 October 2006
chaired by Curt Breneman (RPI)
The ability to make informed decisions during the early phases of drug discovery is the key to decreasing hit-to-lead and lead optimization cycle times. The motto “fail early, and fail cheap” represents the need to identify problematic chemotypes early in the development process so that more productive lines of inquiry may be followed. The field of predictive modeling has reached a point where there is a realistic expectation that troublesome moieties can be flagged through computational virtual screening. The next major step in the development of predictive methods is to be able to also use these modeling techniques to suggest productive courses of action to identify and correct ADME and PK problems during lead compound optimization. Thus, the use of validated, interpretable models may serve both as a way of identifying ADME/Tox and PK failures, and also provide a means for correcting them.
The Physical basis for the Rule of Five
Tudor I. Oprea, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Tudor I. Oprea (1), Scott Boyer (2), and Igor Tetko (3)
(1) Division of Biocomputing, UNM School of Medicine, MSC 11 6145, Albuquerque NM 87131-0001, USA
(2) Safety Assessment, Astrazeneca R&D Molndal, SE-431 83 Mölndal, Sweden
(3) München Information Center for Protein Sequences, GSF, Germany
Our understanding of the quality of leads for drug discovery rests on mining the known bioactivity and medchem spaces. Such sources are the WOMBAT database [1], which contains over 136,000 unique chemicals and 307,000 biological activities. A derivative database related to clinical pharmacokinetics is WOMBAT-PK (WB-PK) [2]. WOMBAT-PK 2006 contains 935 drugs with multiple human ADME/Tox endpoints: > 750 oral bioavailability and half-life data, > 700 plasma protein binding and volume of distribution (steady state) values, > 500 total clearance, non-renal clearance and maximum recommended therapeutic daily dose values, etc. Matching clinical data with calculated properties, one can gain better insights for lead discovery. The relationship between the Maximum Recommended Therapeutic (daily) Dose, MRTD, its value corrected for the fraction unbound, MRTD_U, and the partition coefficients (clogP and LogD74) will be discussed. These two parameters provide a physical basis to the Lipinski "Rule of five".
* the talk will explain the importance of property filtering in lead discovery
* it provides simple guidelines for computed property cut-off values
* it will discuss the importance of multi-parametric predictions to assist decision-makers in virtual and biomolecular screening
[1] Olah M, et al. WOMBAT: World of Molecular Bioactivity, in Chemoinformatics in Drug Discovery. Oprea TI (Ed), Wiley-VCH, New York, 2005, pp. 223-239.
[2] WOMBAT and WOMBAT-PK are available from http://www.sunsetmolecular.com
A Roadmap for Integrating Modelling & Simulation in Pre-Clinical DMPK Research
Navita Mallalieu, Roche Pharmaceuticals
Integration of modeling and simulation in preclinical research is still a dream for some organizations and in its in infancy for others. Bringing a new twist to existing pathways is both a challenge and an exciting opportunity. But most importantly, bringing in new blood into an entrenched system must deliver on its promise of a better outcome than the current paradigm. I’d like to share with you my experience with incorporation of modeling and simulation into the world of preclinical DMPK at Roche. The emphasis of this presentation is on development and utilization of a PBPK based PK model approach. We have tapped into the vast amount of preclinical data that is generated as part of routine drug development at Roche and tied it together using the PBPK model to show management an alternative approach for decision-making in discovery. The presentation will cover the following topics:
* Results of validation of the rat PK model using 45 compounds and a retrospective prediction of human pharmacokinetics using 10 compounds.
* Contrast of the PBPK approach with currently utilized approaches like allometric scaling and the FDA recommended Maximum Recommended Starting Dose (MRSD) for the first dose in humans.
* A proposal for incorporating M&S into the discovery screening strategy. I will share a road-map of how best to utilize the latest tools and expertise in M&S to complement the existing information and generate knowledge.
Our emphasis was to improve decision-making by showing an integrated view of the preclinical data. This approach also offers the potential to reduce experimentation by replacing it with simulations, where appropriate, thereby decreasing cycle-times.
The statistical significance vs. mechanistic interpretation of ADME/tox models
Alex Tropsha, UNC
Alexander Tropsha (1), Ann Richard (2), Kun Wang(1), Maritja Wolf (2), Clarlynda Williams (2), Jamie Burch (2)
(1) Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, School of Pharmacy, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(2) Mail Drop D343-03, National Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT), Office of Research & Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Several major trends affecting public toxicity information resources have the potential to significantly alter the future of predictive toxicology. Standardized chemical structure annotation of toxicity databases and integration of diverse biological activity data afford a mine-able chemical semantic Internet. Formalized toxicity data models and public toxicity data schemas allow for flexible data mining and relational data searching across layers of chemical and biological information. Curated, systematically organized, and web-accessible toxicity and biological activity data in association with chemical structures is clearly the next frontier of advancement for QSPR and data mining technologies. The examples of such systems are provided by the DSSTox database and affiliated projects such as the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), PubChem, Leadscope ToxML, and the National Toxicology Program.
The importance of the combined toxico-cheminformatics and QSPR modeling is illustrated by the analysis of the CPDB. It contains TD50 data resulting from animal cancer tests of over 1000 chemicals as well as the information on species, strain, sex, shape of the dose-response, etc. Such extensively structured and mine-able database provides unique opportunities for developing QSPR models for subsets of compounds selected on the basis of biologically meaningful parameters. Rigorous QSAR analysis was applied to a subset of 693 compounds tested for their mutagenicity. 70 compounds were selected randomly for external validation. The remaining 623 compounds were split into diverse training set and test sets. Classification kNN QSPR approach afforded modes with the prediction accuracy for training, test and external validation sets as high as 0.917, 0.847, and 0.893, respectively. The analysis of chemical descriptors that afforded statistically significant and predictive QSAR models allowed for the mechanistic interpretation of such models in terms of chemical properties important for mutagenicity. We stress that only those QSPR models that have been rigorously validated both internally and externally should be considered for the mechanistic interpretation.
Predictive ADME: How do I know if my predictions will be useful?
Curt Breneman, RPI Chemistry
Given the current capabilities of academic, commercial and semi-commercial statistical modeling tools and descriptor generators, there is a clear need to establish “best practice” methods and criteria for model validation - particularly in an area as complex as Predictive Toxicology. Different philosophies exist regarding the number and type of descriptors that can be used for generating predictive models, and the number of cases necessary for creating linear or non-linear models that can reliably cover important regions of chemical structure/activity space. To what extent does a model need to be interpretable in order to produce trusted predictions? What are the lower limits of training set size to address given types of problems? Is there a way to determine whether a given set of unknowns are within the domain of a particular model? These and other related questions will be discussed, along with examples of classification, regression and non-linear regression models of molecular ADME properties.
An In-Silico Approach to Reduce the Burdens of Lead Discovery and Optimization
Sanji Bhal and David Adams, Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs)
Lead discovery and optimization are the challenging endeavors of balancing the efficacy of potential drugs with their pharmacokinetic properties. Although potency is essential, so is the ability of a compound to penetrate through various biological barriers and act upon the intended target site.
Use of physicochemical property predictors has long been known to help filter possible hits for desired ADME characteristics. However, the prediction quality is frequently dependent on the particular chemistry used in the training set. ACD/Labs' predictions are based on an additive-constitutive fragmental approach and therefore offer some unique advantages. This approach offers the capability to easily increase the prediction accuracy of specific, often novel, classes of compounds by training the algorithms with experimentally measured pKa, logD, and now solubility data. Moreover, this approach has allowed the development of a unique software tool utilized in lead optimization to rapidly identify structural modifications. These modifications are expected to give analogs with improved physicochemical properties for better bioavailability, absorption through the GI tract, and penetration (or lack of penetration) through the blood brain barrier. In this presentation, we will introduce examples of how this software can be applied to adjust physicochemical properties that directly impact the in-vivo behavior of drugs.
Integration of Early ADME using Property Estimation and PBPK Simulation
Michael B. Bolger, Simulations Plus and USC School of Pharmacy
Purpose: To introduce methods and describe validation results for the integration of in silico and in vitro data in early discovery.
Introduction: A wide variety of software tools are available for biopharmaceutical property estimation related to absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and toxicity (ADMET). These in silico methods are supplemented by in vitro measurement of log P, solubility, Caco-2 Papp, fraction unbound in plasma, and metabolic stability. We will present methods and validation results for integration of all of this data in a database that is linked to whole body physiologically-based (PBPK) simulation of ADME.
Methods: By using estimated and experimental values for biopharmaceutical properties, fraction absorbed (Fa) and fecal excretion were simulated in silico using GastroPlus™. Bioavailability (Fb) and Cp vs. time profiles were simulated with knowledge of: intrinsic clearance, volume of distribution (Vd) and plasma protein binding (fup). Vd was estimated by using physiologically-based pharmacokinetics linked to a tissue composition model parameterized in silico using just log P and fup. In vitro experiments were required for estimation of clearance and bioavailability.
Results: We also found that the simulation model was able to correctly predict the dissolution and plasma concentration vs. time profile for poorly soluble drugs. We were able to predict the bioavailability for drugs with high first pass extraction using PBPK. Finally, we were able to correctly predict the non-linear dose dependence for substrates of influx transporters and for talinolol which is an effluxed substrate for Pgp.
Conclusions: Integration of biopharmaceutical properties from in silico estimation and in vitro experiments with a mechanistic, physiologically-based gastrointestinal simulation is a valuable predictive tool in pharmaceutical discovery and development.
The "Structures" in Structure-Activity Relationships
Bob Clark, Tripos, Inc.
Most in silico ADME/Tox work is based, in one way or another, on analyses of structure-activity relationships (SARs). People carrying out such work are often very sensitive to the limitations of their assay data, as they should be. They rarely consider uncertainties involving molecular structure, however. Such studies generally presume that a single structure adequately reflects each particular compound under consideration, but this assumption is dangerous when there is potential for protonation, deprotonation, tautomerization or stereochemical ambiguity. Even bond isomerization can be problematic in some circumstances, particularly where molecular similarity or fragment analysis is involved. Moreover, in many cases where a single structure can adequately represent a compound, the appropriate structure to consider is different in different contexts. Hence there is a real need to consider structure as a very high-dimensional problem that extends well beyond simple molecular connectivity.
Machine Intelligence in the Design of New Biologically Active Chemicals
Gilles Klopman, Multicase
The design of new biologically active chemicals, whether pharmaceuticals or agricultural requires a good understanding of their potential beneficial activity, their ability to reach and act upon their intended target, and lack of detrimental or toxic effects.
Enormous resources go into the development of new chemicals and it is extremely desirable to find ways to assess these properties at the earliest possible stage so as to minimize the number of expensive failures. In this lecture, several such techniques, developed in the lecturer’s laboratory will be described and demonstrated. These techniques are now in use at various sites of the US FDA for the purpose of assessing the safety of new pharmaceuticals and other chemicals.
WORKSHOPS (Note – these are running on Wednesday 18th October 2006)
in silico technology in drug discovery and development
Michael B. Bolger, Simulations Plus and USC School of Pharmacy
in silico models of biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, and physiological properties related to absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) have become a valuable tool for reducing the number of experiments that need to be conducted in order to find drug candidates with less chance of failure during development. Application of the estimated properties and/or measured in vitro properties in a physiologically-based gastrointestinal simulation to predict fraction absorbed, bioavailability, and Cp vs. time profiles in discovery, development, pre-clinical, and clinical phases of pharmaceutical development can be considered to be a means of integrating the various calculated and measured properties to enhance decision making.
This workshop is intended to provide the attendees with a lecture and demonstration of in silico tools for drug discovery and development. The workshop will present general information about publicly available sources of data for model building, concepts and schematic outlines of model building methods, and knowledgeable interpretation and analysis of results.
Workshop Outline:
* Introduction to properties and models of interest in early ADMET (log P, log D, pKa, native solubility, solubility in buffer, solubility in bio-relevant media, pH dependence of solubility, effective permeability, apparent permeability, diffusivity, dissolution rate, fraction absorbed, bioavailability, volume of distribution, clearance, plasma protein binding, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, maximal recommended therapeutic dose, and hERG K+ channel inhibition.
* Overview of QSPR model building methods.
* Calculation of properties for a single molecule and databases of drugs with known fraction absorbed or human effective permeability.
* Integration of biopharmaceutical properties and formulation factors by using gastrointestinal simulation and physiologically-based pharmacokinetics. (parameter sensitivity analysis and virtual clinical trials).
Using Physicochemical Property Predictions to Overcome ADME Concerns at Lead Optimization
Sanji Bhal and David Adams, Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs)
In this workshop we will be focusing on the application of ACD/Structure Design Suite—a software tool that uses a combination of our physicochemical predictors and a critically evaluated substituent database. With this software, the medicinal chemist can quickly evaluate the biological effect of structural modifications, and design a selection of analogs with enhanced physicochemical properties. This software-aided approach allows the chemist to retain the pharmacaphore and proposes a diverse range of substituents to adjust selected parameters such as solubility, logP or pKa. We will be demonstrating the software and discussing its capabilities, as well as the PhysChem property predictors that are an integral part of this module.
We invite attendees to submit ADME-related lead optimization problems they are experiencing in their laboratory due to physicochemical liabilities, such as low solubility, three weeks before the workshop. Results from the software will be discussed for select examples (please indicate the pharmacaphore to be retained and any other limitations to structural modification).
Machine Intelligence in the Design of New Biologically Active Chemicals
Gilles Klopman, Multicase
The workshop will illustrate:
1. The use of MC4PS to evaluate the potential safety of chemicals
2. Demonstration of the creation of a new model to be used to predict the outcome of mouse lymphoma assay of new chemicals.
3. Demonstration of the use of ”In Silico technique” to identify new safe anti-HIV agents.
The Challenges of ADME/Tox Prediction
Bob Clark, Tripos, Inc.
Absorption, distribution and excretion problems with drug candidates have been greatly reduced by the wide-spread adoption of Lipinski’s “Rule of 5” and similar rules of thumb for blood-brain barrier penetration. Problems not identified by such relatively simple filters continue to contribute to disappointing clinical trials for drug candidates from smaller companies, but their importance to large pharmaceutical companies has gone down as relevant in vitro and ex vivo screens have become more widely available and more reliable. As a result, issues involving metabolism and toxicology – with toxicity often being associated with one or more metabolites – have become all the more important. Such concerns are apt to be exacerbated by two trends in drug development: the tendency to look for blockbuster drugs that ameliorate but do not cure chronic disorders; and the recognition that many drugs – particularly inhibitors of regulatory kinases and those targeting mental disorders – must be somewhat promiscuous to be effective.
Broadly speaking, predictive metabotox approaches fall into two classes: those based on molecular similarity and those based on mechanism. In a sense, similarity based methods are non-parametric, in that they make minimal assumptions about how and where problems might occur. Mechanistic models, in contrast, are parametric, in that conformity to the model assumptions is critical to predictive performance and reliability. Each class has generic strengths and weaknesses, particularly as regards scope of applicability and the kind of errors that are likely to dominate performance. These will be discussed in some detail, as will limitations shared by both.
InnovationWell eCheminfo cheminformatics chemoinformatics bioinformatics Computational Chemistry Molecular Modelling Molecular Modeling pharmaceutical pharma meeting workshop conference management executive Bryn Mawr Philadelphia Critical Pathbiomarkers metabolomics toxicology personalised medicine KM Life Sciences Pharma Drug DiscoveryResearch and Development Drug Development Healthcare Innovation Knowledge Management events
Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/9/prweb443727.htm
Very nice blog 5 out of 5 stars!
Posted by: anime development | December 31, 2008 at 02:28 AM