The final program and agenda for our 4 Day joint InnovationWell and eCheminfo Community of Practice Meeting on the themes of Innovation in Life Science & Healthcare Research & Product Development and Latest Advances in Drug Discovery & Development is now available and provided below. The meetings will take place at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, USA, 16-19 October 2006. Program brochures may also be downloaded here:
InnovationWell Program Brochure on Innovation in Life Science & Healthcare Research & Product Development (Autumn 2006):
Download innwprogrambrynmawr06final_web3.pdf
eCheminfo Program Brochure on Latest Advances in Drug Discovery & Development (Autumn 2006):
Download eChemProgramBrynMawr06-web1a4.PDF
Updates & Abstracts will be located at:
Monday 16 October
07.30 Registration & Welcome Coffee Opens, Thomas Great Hall
InnovationWell InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 13.00
Utilising Knowledge Management to increase R&D Productivity along Critical Paths
Chair: Michael Liebman (Windber Research Institute)
Delia Y. Wolf (Harvard Medical School), What a Quality Assurance Program can do to Facilitate Clinical Research and Development Process
Peter Gates (Johnson & Johnson PR&D), A Framework for Research Informatics
Jonathan Sheldon (InforSense), Building an Informatics Infrastructure for Translational Research
Duane Shugars (Concentia Digital), Why the “Top-Down Approach” to Knowledge and Content Management has failed the United Sates Intelligence Community – Implications for Healthcare Research
Jian Wang (Biofortis), Knowledge Management for Translational Research
Jeff Spitzner (Rescentris), Applying Knowledge Assessment Techniques to improving Productivity in Life Science Research
eCheminfo InterAction Meeting Session, 08.30 – 13.00
Structure-based Drug Design
Chair: Frank Hollinger (Locus Pharmaceuticals)
Erin Duffy (Rib-X), Structure-Based Drug Design Targeting Infectious Disease
Mike Malamas (Wyeth), Structure-Based Design of Estrogen Receptor-beta Selective Compounds
Frank Hollinger (Locus Pharmaceuticals), Harnessing the power of Structure Based Drug Design using a Fragment Based Approach
Debananda Das (National Cancer Institute), Structural Interactions of CCR5 with HIV-1 entry inhibitors
Max Cummings (Johnson & Johnson PR&D), Small Molecule Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions
Jose Duca (Schering-Plough), Using ab initio calculations as routine tools to help design CDK2 inhibitors
Paul Labute (Chemical Computing Group), High Strain Energies of Bound Ligands
13.00 Lunch
InnovationWell Workshop Activity, 14.00-17.30
Carrying out an Onsite Audit and Self-assessment in Clinical Trial Management
Delia Y. Wolf (Harvard Medical School)
Knowledge Assessment in R&D – Impact on Project Management & Research Productivity
Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) & Jeff Spitzner (Rescentris)
eCheminfo Workshop Activity, 14.00 – 18.00
Quantum Biochemistry Workflows, Lance Westerhoff (QuantumBio)
Fragment- and Structure-Based Drug Design, Zenon Konteatis and Jennifer L. Ludington (Locus Pharmaceuticals)
Advanced Techniques in Pharmacophore Perception and Successful Applications in Drug Design, Osman F. Güner (Turquoise Consulting)
Advances in Virtual Screening and Structure-based Drug Design
Hege Beard and Shashi Rao (Schrodinger)
Hypothesis generation from docking results using activity measurements, interaction fingerprints, clustering and 2D visualization methods
Alex Clark (Chemical Computing Group)
18.00 Drinks & BBQ
Tuesday 17 October
InnovationWell InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 13.00
Decision Support for Research & Development
Peter Henstock (Pfizer), The Role of Systems Biology and Knowledge Management in Advancing Toxicology Knowledge in Big Pharma
Craig Liddell (Realtime Science), Advanced Technology in Support of Analytics in the Life Sciences
David Mosenkis (Spotfire), Case Studies in Using Interactive Visual Analytics to Accelerate Drug Development
Joel Hoffman (Insightful), Management Reporting of Clinical Trial Programs, Portfolios, and Studies: Managing Risks / Managing Projects
Dennis Underwood (Praxeon), Searching for Answers in Drug Development: The Game of Twenty Questions
eCheminfo InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 13.00
Stan Young (National Institute of Statistical Sciences), Analysis of HTS data using Recursive Partitioning
John Irwin (UCSF), Investigating bias in Docking Screens with Target, Ligand and Decoy Benchmarking Sets
Deepak Bandyopadhyay (Johnson & Johnson PR&D), A new Self-organizing Algorithm for Molecular Alignment and Pharmacophore Development
Daryll Reid (SimBioSys), Virtual Ligand Screening with eHiTS
Neysa Nevins (GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals), A Critical Assessment of Docking Programs and Scoring Functions
William Douglas Figg (National Cancer Institute), Development of Angiogenesis Inhibitors - from Screening to the Clinic
InnovationWell Workshop Activity, 14.00-17.30
14.00 – 15.30
Electronic Laboratory Notebook Workshops
16.00 – 17.30
Applying Roadmap processes to the Clinical Trials Project Process, Joel Hoffman (Insightful)
Innovation Management in R&D – an Enterprizer Briefing and Case Study, Joseph Bitran (Enterprizer)
Using Interactive Visual Analytics to Accelerate Drug Development, David Mosenkis (Spotfire)
16.00-21.00 Open Event on Knowledge Management in R&D & ELNs
16.00 Electronic Laboratory Notebook Demonstrations
17.30 Open Seminars & Panel Discussion
19.30 Knowledge Café on Knowledge Management in R&D
20.30 Reception
eCheminfo Workshop Activity, 14.00-17.30
14.00 – 15.30
Applications of Filtering and Similarity in Virtual Screening
Paul Hawkins (OpenEye)
Docking and Screening
Darryl Reid (SimBioSys)
16.00 – 17.30
Roundtable Discussion on Virtual Screening & Docking Study
This session will discuss current virtual screening and docking methods and software, results of existing validation and comparison studies, and procedures for community of practice studies to be undertaken.
Wednesday 18 October
InnovationWell InterAction Meeting Session, 08.30 – 16.00
Application of Metabolomics to Drug Discovery & Development
Chair: George G. Harrigan (Monsanto)
George Harrigan (Monsanto), An Overview of Developments in Metabolomics Approaches
Rick Beger (NCTR, FDA), FDA's Critical Path Initiative: Opportunities for Metabolomics
Alvin Berger (Metabolon), Application of Metabolomics to Biomarker and Off-Target Side Effect Identification in Marketed Drugs and New Chemical Entities
Don Robertson (Pfizer), Uses and Abuses of Metabonomics in Pharmaceutical Preclinical Safety Assessment
Gregory Banik (Bio-RAD), Toward Diagnosis of Diabetes by NMR-based Metabolomics
Teresa Garret (Duke University), Identification of novel, minor lipids in total lipid extracts of Eschericia coli using Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Nick Haan (BlueGnome), Analysis of Metabolic Profiling Data - Combining the Strengths of NMR and MS
Susan Connor (Glaxo SmithKline), A Pharma Perspective on Metabolomics - the Opportunities and Realities
Laszlo Boros (SIDMAP), Tracer Substrate-based Metabolomics and the 2005 Nobel Prize award in Physiology & Medicine
Bruce Kristal (Cornell University), Serum Markers of Caloric Restriction
Oliver Fiehn (UC Davis Genome Center), Standards in Reporting Initiative
Eric Nemec (Leco Corporation), Studies of Drug-Induced Liver Injury using Comprehensive 2D Gas Chromatography with Time-of-Flight Detection
eCheminfo InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 13.00
Bench Scientists’ & Modellers’ Discussions on Discovery Tools & Modeling
In this session a panel of experimental and computational chemists will discuss their experiences in using computational modeling methods in drug discovery. They will discuss where the methods and software are having success, and where current methods are not yet meeting their needs, are failing or have challenges or complications. Short presentations on drug discovery experiences will be used to seed discussion of cheminformatics-driven medicinal chemistry and lead optimization and conversations on where new developments could aid improvement in practice and tools.
Panel: Chris Cooper (BMS), James Arnold (AstraZeneca), Phil Edwards (AstraZeneca), Pete Connolly (Johnson & Johnson PRD), Victor Lobanov (Johnson & Johnson PRD), Jim Wikel (Coalesix)
InnovationWell Workshop Activity, 16.30-18.00
NMR-based Positional Isotopomer Analysis in Metabolomics
Andrew N. Lane (JG Brown Cancer Center, U. Louisville)
Linking Metabolic Profiles to Biological Outcome
S. Stanley Young (National Institute of Statistical Sciences)
Understanding Metabolomics Mixtures with Principal Components Analysis
Gregory Banik (Bio-RAD)
eCheminfo Workshop Activity, 14.00-17.30
14.00 – 15.30
in silico Technology in Drug Discovery and Development
Michael B. Bolger (Simulations Plus and USC School of Pharmacy)
Using Physicochemical Property Predictions to Overcome ADME Concerns at Lead Optimization
Sanji Bhal and Karim Kassam (ACD/Labs)
16.00 – 17.30
Machine Intelligence in the Design of New Biologically Active Chemicals
Gilles Klopman (Multicase)
Challenges of ADME/Tox Prediction
Bob Clark (Tripos)
18.00 Poster Session, Drinks and BBQ
Thursday 19 October
InnovationWell InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 13.00
Biomarker Discovery & Applications in Drug Development
Keith Elliston (Genstruct), Harnessing the Power of Systems Biology – Delivering Mechanism-of-Action and Biomarkers in Drug Development
Zentam Tsuchihashi (Bristol-MyersSquibb), Many Layers of Biomarker Roles in Tumor Immunotherapy
Darius Dziuda (Central Connecticut State University), Multivariate Biomarkers Discovery
Michael Jones (Novartis), Application of Proteomics to Biomarker Discovery
Bernd Bonnekoh, (Otto-von-Guericke-University), Perspectives for Multi Epitope Ligand Kartography (MELK) for Detection of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Biomarkers in Skin Diseases, Allergology and Beyond
eCheminfo InterAction Meeting Session, 09.00 – 16.00
Predictive Toxicology
Chair: Curt Breneman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
KEYNOTE: Tudor Oprea (Univ. New Mexico), The Physical basis for the Rule of Five
Navita Mallalieu (Roche Pharmaceuticals), A Roadmap for Integrating Modelling & Simulation in Pre-Clinical DMPK Research
Alex Tropsha (UNC), The Statistical Significance vs. Mechanistic Interpretation of ADME/tox models
Curt Breneman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Predictive ADME : How Do I Know if my Predictions will be Useful?
Sanji Bhal & Karim Kassam (ACD/Labs), An in silico Approach to Reduce the Burdens of Lead Discovery and Optimization
Michael B. Bolger (Simulations Plus and USC School of Pharmacy), Integration of Early ADME using Property Estimation and PBPK Simulation
Bob Clark (Tripos), The "Structures" in Structure-Activity Relationships
Gilles Klopman (Multicase), Machine Intelligence in the Design of New Biologically Active Chemicals
InnovationWell Workshop Activity, 14.00-16.00
Ansgar J. Pommer (SkinSysTec), Analyzing in-situ Proteomics by Multi Epitope Ligand Kartography (MELK) for Detection of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Biomarkers
eCheminfo cheminformatics meeting workshop conference management science Bryn Mawr Philadelphia Critical Pathbiomarkers metabolomics toxicology virtual screening KM Life Sciences Pharma Drug DesignDrug DiscoveryResearch and Development Drug Development Healthcare Innovation Molecular ModelingComputational ChemistryMedicinal Chemistry events
Press Release:
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Posted by: William | November 09, 2006 at 06:21 AM