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August 26, 2008



Good words.

Tamiflu Side Effects

My name is Maura Logan and i would like to show you my personal experience with Tamiflu.

I am 63 years old. Have been on Tamiflu for 5 days now. Formerly had no negative feelings about "Big Pharmaceutical" but this medication has changed my mind. Definitely needed more extensive testing by the FDA.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Horrible itching started after 8 pills (fourth day) and has lasted for six more days--and counting. Also suffering insomnia, and mood swings--crying and sour temper. Dr. wasn't even sure I had the flu (headache, severe body ache, exhaustion but no cold symptoms). Med seemed to help, but the after-effects are totally miserable. Hugely expensive med and not worth the risk. Absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE this medication!

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Maura Logan

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