We will hold our fifth annual eCheminfo community of practice meeting on drug discovery informatics at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia 13 -16 October 2009.
We invite contributed papers from members of academic, government research and commercial organizations on areas of new research and innovation involving drug discovery research informatics. The work presented should involve innovative new method development or application to drug discovery problems and involving methods from computational chemistry, computational biology, cheminformatics or bioinformatics. Studies including experimental work in medicinal chemistry, screening, in vitro assay development, pre-clinical evaluation, lead optimisation and translational medicine are welcome.
Abstracts for talks (300-500 words) should be submitted to echeminfo -[at]- douglasconnect.com by 31 March 2009, and be accompanied by a short biography of the presenting author (300-500 words). Abstracts approved by the scientific organizing committee will be selected for scheduling on the conference program. Authors will be notified of acceptance as soon as a review of submitted materials takes place and at the latest by 15 April 2009. Abstracts for posters will continue be accepted for review through 31 August 2009.
The following sessions are currently planned:
Pre-conference Workshop on Drug Binding Affinities
chaired by Scott Brown (Abbott Laboratories) and Judith Lalonde (Bryn Mawr College)
Structure-Based Drug Design: The Roles of Conformation, Water and Hydrogen Bonds
chaired by Alan Cheng (Amgen)
Macromolecular Interactions and Networks
chaired by Emil Alexov (Clemson University)
Structure-Based Drug Design: Advanced Scoring Methods
chaired by Natasja Brooijmans (Wyeth)
Data Analysis and Visualisation Applications in Chemical Biology
chaired by Brian Marsden (Structural Genomics Consortium Oxford)
PDB Ligands
chaired by John Westbrook (Rutgers University)
Predictive Toxicology
chaired by Vladimir Poirikov (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and Richard Judson (US EPA)
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