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June 24, 2009


Rich Apodaca

Barry, thanks for the response. It sounds like you've already been recording presentations and just need a good way to package and distribute them - no?

There are many possibilities. The best technology might be off-the-shelf or something simple and built around your particular needs. Web frameworks like Ruby on Rails make it much easier than it has been in the past to create a custom solution, or at least a working prototype.

If you're looking for more inspiration, you might check out Confreaks:


They go around to various technical conferences (mostly in the Ruby community), record the talks, and make them publicly viewable.

IMO, the thing that really makes this work is that there's no registration needed - just go to the site and watch. Others can even embed the videos in their own sites, blogs, etc., which is a powerful way to get new ideas to spread. With a carefully crafted intro screen on each video, you'd be able to get out the message that there's an organization behind this making it happen and here's how you can be there in person next time, etc. This might not be possible with your content - I'm not sure.

Just some ideas. Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to kick some more around.

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