The eCheminfo Autumn Community of Practice meeting will take place the week of October 15 at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia to discuss latest research applications, methods and best practices in drug discovery informatics, design and modelling.
The following conference sessions will be held:
16 October: Virtual Screening, chaired by Christopher Austin (NIH) and Ajay Jain (UCSF)
16 October: Structural Biology, chaired by Max Cummings (Tibotec Pharmaceuticals)
17 October: Structure-based Drug Design, chaired by Jose Duca (Schering-Plough)
17 October: Fragment-based Drug Discovery, chaired by Maria Kontoyianni (Crystax Pharmaceuticals)
18-19 October: Predictive ADME/Toxicology, chaired by Tony Hopfinger (University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy)
Additional workshop activity on virtual screening best practices, knowledge management in R&D and advances in predictive ADME and toxicology will also be held.
Conference speakers include:
Stephen Burley (SGX Pharmaceuticals), Georgia McGaughey (Merck), Charles Lesburg (Schering-Plough), Rick Beger (FDA), Marc Nicklaus (NIH), Woody Sherman (Schrodinger), Daniel Cheney (Bristol Myers Squibb), Paul Labute (Chemical Computing Group), Ajay Jain (UCSF), Alan Cheng (Amgen), Tony Hopfinger (University of New Mexico), Anthony Klon (Pharmacopeia Drug Discovery), Artem Cherkasov (University of British Columbia), Dennis Pelletier (Pfizer), Chaohong Sun (Abbott), Xavier Barril (University of Barcelona), Jose Duca (Schering-Plough), Terry Stouch (JCAMD), Natasja Brooijmans (Wyeth), Gerard Kleywegt (University of Uppsala), Vladimir Poroikov (Russian Academy of Sciences), Christoph Helma (in silico toxicology), Ann Richard (EPA), Judy Madden (Liverpool John Moores University), Julian Tirado-Rives (Yale), Heather Carlson (University of Michigan), Joseph Tomaszewski (NCI), Joseph Contrera (FDA), Christopher Austin (NIH), Jerome Hert (UCSF), Renate Sekul (Graffinity), Gunther Stahl (Tripos), John W Liebeschuetz (CCDC), Wilfried Langenaeker (Silicos), Zsolt Zsoldos (SimBioSys), Paul Hawkins (OpenEye Scientific Software), François Delfaud (MEDIT), Anatoly Ruvinsky (University of Kansas), Robin Taylor (CCDC), Eric Jamois (Strand Life Sciences), David Gilmour (Tacit), Alex Heiphetz (Delta L Training), Frank Guerino (TraverseIT), Salvatore Alesci (Wyeth), Darius Dziuda (CCSU), Laszlo Boros (Sidmap) Fred Cohen (Fast Track Systems), Alex Tropsha (UNC), Dimitris Agrafiotis, (Johnson & Johnson), Carl Elkin (Schering-Plough)
Poster Session
We will be running poster sessions in the evenings at the meeting with themes: knowledge management (Tuesday), drug design (Wednesday) and drug development and ADMET (Thursday). This option is available to all meeting attendees. Please send your abstract and biography of ca. 300-500 words each to eCheminfo -(at)- for approval.
Program Brochure:
Download eChemProgramBrynMawr07-web2.PDF
More information at
eCheminfo cheminformatics chemoinformatics bioinformatics Medicinal Chemistry Computational Chemistry Virtual Screening Docking Molecular Modelling Molecular Modeling pharmaceutical pharma meeting workshop training Oxford Critical Path toxicology Bursary Life Sciences Pharma Drug DiscoveryResearch and Development Drug Development Healthcare Innovation Knowledge Management events
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