For our upcoming InnovationWell InterAction meetings on Drug Safety Knowledge Management, we invite all members and meeting participants to submit a short presentation or paper, even if you're unable to attend either of the meetings in person.
These will be made available for access through the InnovationWell website, and will form a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussions.
This presentation could take the form of:
- a short position paper, your opinion of where the field needs to be developed
- a short description of the problems you face, your requirements for future development, use case, etc
- a case study or description of experiences
- a process or business strategy you have found works or that hasn't worked
- a solution or partial solution
To see details of the program scope, please log in at, and then go to > Program > Drug Safety > Program Outline.
If you'd like to submit a presentation, please send a message to innovationwell at douglasconnect, giving a brief summary of the topic. You will then receive a copy of the Presenter Guidelines.
Presentations must be submitted before April 15 for inclusion in the program for Philadelphia and May 15 for inclusion in the Basel program.
If you are not yet a member of the Community of Practice, you can join online through the InnovationWell Web site.
Please contact me (barry.hardy at with any questions that you have on the program and format.
Barry Hardy
Douglas Connect
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