I provide here the final program for our InnovationWell workshop on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Research & Product Development which will take place 5-7 July 2006 at Oxford University, Oxford, UK. We will be examining and discussing methods and best practices for accelerating innovation, integrating knowledge, communicating understanding and supporting decision making in industry research and product development. We should have a series of stimulating workshops and facilitated conversations on the varied ingredients required for a successful R&D innovation recipe covering strategic planning, supporting collaboration, managing intellectual property, effectively planning and managing electronic laboratory notebook systems, using ontologies for knowledge discovery, subjecting R&D to continuous assessment and improvement, and integrating best practices from the fields of innovation management, knowledge management and complex systems to improve productivity. It should be a knowledge-enriching 3 days with many ideas for participants to bring away.
You can download a copy of the Program Brochure as a pdf here:
Download innovationwellrd_oxford_web1.PDF
For further information and questions on these workshops and registration, please contact: Barry Hardy, eMail: barry.hardy [at] douglasconnect.com, Tel: +41 61 851 0170
A complete workshop summary is contained in the remainder of this post:
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