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June 20, 2007


Leonardo Mora

Here is a link to another perspective you might want to consider.



Charles Savage

Barry et al,

You certainly covered many of the most important issues, and in 2.5 hours - impressive. One question: In your reflections upon "Collaboration," did you also touch on the Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0? These new tools - Wikis, Blogs (like this one), RSS, Colayer and so much more are bringing collaboration, the long tail and crowdsourcing into the mainstream.

But this is not enough. It is not just a question of "adding knowledge sharing." Our real challenge is to design an economic model that could sustain us for the next 40,000 years, and we'll reach peak oil in the next 20 to 50 years (than what?).

Given our challenge, I was really inspired by Karl-Erik Sveiby and Tex Skuthorpe's new book, Treading Lightly, The Hidden Wisdom of the World's Oldest People. They were able to sustain themselves for 40 to 60,000 years with an exchange economy of about 20% and a cultural (meaning) economy of about 80%. What can we learn from this model?

Keep up the good work.


Arjun Thomas

Brilliant article.... very interesting read.

- Arjun

Stan Garfield

Hi, Barry,

I linked to this post in my blog at http://h20325.www2.hp.com/blogs/garfield/archive/2007/08/08/4118.html



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