We are holding a Knowledge Cafe and networking event at the Merian Hotel, Basel, Switzerland 17.00-20.00, Wednesday 23 April 2008, on the topic of Knowledge & Collaboration.
We will additionally extend the use of supporting the face-to-face cafe conversations with the virtual collaboration tool of a wiki as I used at the Autumn 2007 InnovationWell meeting at Bryn Mawr. (more information on that in a later post)
The Café discussions will be peer-to-peer based and will be co-moderated by:
Beat Knechtli, Director and CKO, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Pavel Kraus, President, Swiss Knowledge Management Forum and Senior Partner, aht'intermediation
Douglas Weidner, President, International Knowledge Management Institute
Barry Hardy, Founder and Director, InnovationWell & Douglas Connect
Chris Pallaris, ISN Chief Editor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)
Hannes Gassert, CTO, Liip
Nicolette Liller, Microsoft
Asha Nagesser, Managing Director, INSIDEAN
Marco Bettoni, Director of Research & Consulting, Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS)
Richard Zbinden, CEO, Software for Corporate Leaders
The following Guest Seminar will be presented:
17.00 Process-Oriented Knowledge Management
Michael Wyrsch, Vice-President & Leader of the Knowledge Management Competence Center Switzerland, Credit-Suisse
During the Café starting at 18.00, table discussions will include the following Knowledge & Collaboration sub-topics:
Knowledge Sharing, Innovation Networks, Leadership Support, Organisational Complexity & Context, Productivity & Teams, Group Decision-Making, Collaboration Patterns & Roles, Social Networks and Web 2.0, Culture & International Collaboration, and Cooperative Sustainable Development.
The Cafe is free to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. If interested in attending please contact Nicki Douglas (Tel: +41 61 851 0461. Email: Nicki.Douglas –(at)- douglasconnect.com) to reserve a guest place.
The event is co-organised by Douglas Connect, the International Knowledge Management Institute, the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF), and the Gurteen Knowledge Community.
Knowledge & Leadership
In 2007 the Basel Knowledge Café focused on *Knowledge & Leadership* whose results formed the basis for an article series being published in KM Review:
B. Hardy; Linking Trust, Change, Leadership & Innovation – Ingredients of a Knowledge Leadership Support Framework; KM Review, Nov/Dec 2007, Vol 10, Issue 5, pp 18-23.
B. Hardy; Collaboration, Culture, and Technology – Contributions to Confidence in Leadership Support; KM Review, Jan/Feb 2008, Vol 10, Issue 6, pp 18-23.
A short summary with photos is posted on the The Ferryman Blog at http://barryhardy.blogs.com/theferryman/2007/06/knowledge_and_l.html
The Café also contributed significantly to the formation of the KLeaders practice and interest group, which has since been working together on developing the ideas of the KLeaders Leadership Practice and Support Framework, and which is currently collaborating on research and network proposals. If you are interested in this research and innovation activity, please contact Dr. Barry Hardy (barry.hardy –(at)- douglasconnect.com, +41 61 851 0170) to discuss your needs or contributions.
Knowledge Collaboration Leadership Knowledge Cafe Douglas Connect KM Institute KM Institute Switzerland meeting workshop training management executive CKM KM Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Training Management Training Basel Innovation Switzerland events