During April - October 2010 we will be running two pilots which will create two virtual organisations (VOs) of research partners who will collaborate on a drug discovery and a predictive toxicology project.
We are currently seeking Expressions of Interest in the ICT support role for the pilots which should be submitted by 17.00 CET, 19 February 2010 through the following form:
The VOs will be created from partners from Douglas Connect Collaboration Pools, who will bring contributing knowledge, computational or experimental capabilities to the partnership for the duration of the projects:
a) Drug Design project will examine the application of a variety of leading modelling and design approaches to novel target kinases, to experimentally test predictions, and to initiate a best practices virtual screening resource.
b) Predictive Toxicology project will apply a combination of in silico and in vitro approaches to predict in vivo toxicity including exposure.
The ICT support role will support the informatics requirements of the researchers in organising, processing and sharing data, and in collaborative analysis and decision making.
The VOs will be supported by knowledge-oriented collaboration services developed under the FP7 Synergy research project, including a reactive complex event driven engine, collaboration moderator, collaboration pattern services and partner knowledge base.
Summary on Synergy project: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/theferryman/2008/02/knowledge-orien.html
The Predictive Toxicology VO will be supported by distributed REST-driven web services for data management, model building, validation and reporting, developed under the OpenTox Framework (http://www.opentox.org/)
Barry Hardy PhD
Director, Community of Practice & Research Activities
and OpenTox Project Coordinator (www.opentox.org)
Douglas Connect
Tel: +41 61 851 0170
Email: barry.hardy -(at)- douglasconnect.com
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