The OpenTox Euro 2013 speaker program with abstracts is now available at:
and includes the following presentations:
A. Data Management and Analysis, chaired by Nina Jeliazkova (Ideaconsult Ltd)
XMetDB - Xenobiotics Metabolism Database, Patrik Rydberg (University of Copenhagen)
PathVisio 3: new features for pathway analysis and visualization, Martina Kutmon (Maastricht University)
ToxML: Community Based Development of a Common Data Exchange Standard for Toxicology, Mohammed Ali (Lhasa Ltd)
The ISA infrastructure: from experimental planning to data publication, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran (University of Oxford)
The Open Pharmacological Triple Store Concepts, Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University)
B. Open Data, Open Source, and Open Standards for Toxicology, chaired by Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University)
AMBIT Web services: chemical data and models via OpenTox API, Nina
Jeliazkova (IdeaConsult Ltd)
Chemical decision support in toxicology and pharmacology, Ola Spjuth
(Uppsala University)
Phenotype Database, Jildau Bouwman (TNO)
Assessing compound carcinogenicity in vitro using connectivity mapping,
Florian Claiment (Maastricht University)
The ChEMBL Database: Open data for use in Toxicity Prediction, Anne
Hersey (EMBL-EBI)
C. Visualization & Visual Analytics, chaired by Andreas Karwath (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
The Chemical Space Project, Jean-Louis Reymond (University of Berne)
Visual Analytics for the Comparison of
Chemical and Biologic Data, Tatiana von Landesberger (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Visual Analysis of Chemical Space with Scaffold Hunter, Nils Kriege (TU Dortmund)
CheS-Mapper, Martin Gütlein (University of Freiburg)
D. Systems Biology & Predictive Toxicology, chaired by Jürgen Borlak (Hannover Medical School)
Integrated Analysis of Toxicology Data supported by ToxBank, Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect)
HeMiBio - Generation of hepatic microfluidic bioreactors with a
regenerative cell source of parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells
for high throughput long-term hepatotoxicity testing, Stefan Heinz (Medicyte)
of toxicogenomics and TG-GATEs database for drug safety screening,
Takeki Uehara (Shionogi Pharmaceutical Research Center)
The Systems
Biology Simulation Core Library: A numerical method for the quantitative
simulation of biochemical reaction networks , Alexander Dörr
(University of Tuebingen)
E. Innovative Developments in Predictive Toxicology, chaired by Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) and Stefan Kramer (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
This session will feature presentations on a variety of innovative developments in current predictive toxicology applications and projects.
Approaches to analyze and datamine the eTOX database, Jörg Wichard (Bayer)
– a tool for the integrated analysis and pathway-centered visualization
of cross-omics datasets, Johannes Eichner (University of Tuebingen)
Integration of molecular detail from
OMICS-technologies for prediction of toxicity, André Schrattenholz (ProteoSys AG)
Repair and Damage Response Following Exposure of Cells to Alkylating
Carcinogens, Bernd Kaina (University Medical Center, Mainz)