The OpenTox USA 2013 speaker program with abstracts is now available at:
We will be joined by presenters from many leading US research programs including ToxCast, Tox21, US EPA, NIEHS, NTP, NIH, US FDA, Risk21, Hamner and John Hopkins.
The meeting is organised in collaboration with ToxBank and will include participation from SEURAT-1 European research programs including HeMiBio, COSMOS, NOTOX, and ToxBank.
The meeting should provide a valuable opportunity to progress transatlantic goals on interoperability and collaboration supporting SEURAT-1 - Tox21 interactions based on concrete activities related to data resource interoperability, open standards, software development, modelling and integrated analysis.
We will also specifically address key îssues of extrapolation, kinetics modelling and risk assessment application providing roadblocks to be removed from the path to regulatory acceptance.
Abstracts for the poster session presentations should be submitted using:
On behalf of the OpenTox USA 2013 Organising Committee, we look forward to seeing you in Raleigh-Durham.
best regards
Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect)
Scott Auerbach (NIEHS)
Rusty Thomas (US EPA)
Asish Mohapatra (Health Canada)
OpenTox USA 2013
Organised in collaboration with ToxBank.
Hamner Conference Center, North Carolina Biotechnology Center
29 - 30 October 2013
Topics: data management, in silico modelling and application development, integrated data analysis, biokinetics, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, weight of evidence, risk assessment.
Conference Overview:
The views presented in this message are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of any US or European organisation. No official endorsement is intended nor should be inferred.
We will be joined by presenters from many leading US research programs including ToxCast, Tox21, US EPA, NIEHS, NTP, NIH, US FDA, Risk21, Hamner and John Hopkins.
The meeting is organised in collaboration with ToxBank and will include participation from SEURAT-1 European research programs including HeMiBio, COSMOS, NOTOX, and ToxBank.
The meeting should provide a valuable opportunity to progress transatlantic goals on interoperability and collaboration supporting SEURAT-1 - Tox21 interactions based on concrete activities related to data resource interoperability, open standards, software development, modelling and integrated analysis.
We will also specifically address key îssues of extrapolation, kinetics modelling and risk assessment application providing roadblocks to be removed from the path to regulatory acceptance.
Abstracts for the poster session presentations should be submitted using:
On behalf of the OpenTox USA 2013 Organising Committee, we look forward to seeing you in Raleigh-Durham.
best regards
Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect)
Scott Auerbach (NIEHS)
Rusty Thomas (US EPA)
Asish Mohapatra (Health Canada)
OpenTox USA 2013
Organised in collaboration with ToxBank.
Hamner Conference Center, North Carolina Biotechnology Center
29 - 30 October 2013
Topics: data management, in silico modelling and application development, integrated data analysis, biokinetics, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, weight of evidence, risk assessment.
Conference Overview:
The views presented in this message are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of any US or European organisation. No official endorsement is intended nor should be inferred.