The OpenTox Euro 2014 meeting takes place 22 - 24 September in Athens, Greece. The meeting will be co-sponsored by ToxBank and eNanoMapper.
The theme of this year's meeting is industrial and regulatory application of predictive toxicology and includes sessions on read across, integrated testing strategies, systems biology, metabolism, nano safety, data resource management, visualisation and analysis.
The meeting program will include reviewed abstracts for talks and posters and interactive workshop activities and knowledge café discussions.
Information on the meeting including registration, abstract submission, and program and location information can be found at:
Abstracts for consideration for the speaker program should be submitted by 30 April. Early registration is open through 31 May.
On behalf of the OpenTox Euro 2014 Organising Committee,
we look forward to seeing you in Athens,
Dr. Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) and Assoc. Prof. Haralambos Sarimveis (National Technical University of Athens)
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